I’ve been looking for a way to log all the sql that Magento is running for debugging purposes. There are a number of logging mechanisms built in to Magento, but none that would allow you to log all the sql that’s being run. Finally, I’ve found a simple change that can be made to a core file (I know, not ideal because it will get overwritten when you upgrade Magento – but it’s only a few lines in one file).
The Change
1. Open the file <magentoroot>/lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php
2. Add the following lines:
$code = 'SQL: ' . $sql . "rn"; if ($bind) { $code .= 'BIND: ' . print_r($bind, true) . "rn"; } $this->_debugWriteToFile("[".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."] ".$code);
Add it to the “query” function as shown below:
public function query($sql, $bind = array()) { $this->_debugTimer(); try { $sql = (string)$sql; if (strpos($sql, ':') !== false || strpos($sql, '?') !== false) { $this->_bindParams = $bind; $sql = preg_replace_callback('#((['"])((2)|((.*?[^\])2)))#', array($this, 'proccessBindCallback'), $sql); $bind = $this->_bindParams; } $code = 'SQL: ' . $sql . "rn"; if ($bind) { $code .= 'BIND: ' . print_r($bind, true) . "rn"; } $this->_debugWriteToFile("[".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."] ".$code); $result = parent::query($sql, $bind); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_debugStat(self::DEBUG_QUERY, $sql, $bind); $this->_debugException($e); } $this->_debugStat(self::DEBUG_QUERY, $sql, $bind, $result); return $result; }
The Log
By default your sql will be logged to:
1. As mentioned above, the file will likely be overwritten during a Magento upgrade.
2. There’s nothing that will turn logging off (except a Magento upgrade). So you need to be careful that this is a temporary setting for debugging only.
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